Custom NPS Delegate Surveys for Your Next Class or Event

Easy to Setup, Instant Feedback, No App Downloads


Instant NPS Surveys For Training or Conference Organizers

Forget paper exit surveys at your event, SightMill helps you gather instant, on-the-spot feedback in seconds. Create custom Net Promoter Score surveys that your delegates can access from their phones - we're mobile-first, so there are no apps to download.

The Problem:

You organize classes, events, training sessions, or run regular conferences and there's no simple way to get Net Promoter Score feedback fast.
  The normal method is to ask delegates or attendees to fill out a paper form as they leave. Or you might email them the day after the event. But by then, you've moved on to your next event and your delegates are back to their busy schedules.
  SightMill lets you request NPS-standard feedback at the end of your event and attendees can complete their feedback from their phone in seconds.
  You get feedback in real-time and can be sure it's timely and truly reflects their experience.

The Solution: Customized Mobile Surveys for Your Class or Event

Design your survey and add your logo, colors and custom text - SightMill adds the standard NPS question panel and follow-up question. You can setup a survey for a new event in minutes and your delegates can provide feedback in seconds.

Try it for yourself: visit from your phone's browser. Enter code 72D46 and you'll see our sample survey for our example training session.

"Feedback from our delegates in real-time..."

Tolley uses Net Promoter Score for training evaluation"It's really powerful to hear and act on the feedback from our delegates in real-time to make our training experience ever better; the SightMill team has been great at helping us achieve this. - Jelena Sevo, Director, Tolley Tax Training

Improve Your Training with Real-Time Feedback

Use SightMill to gather delegate feedback to classes, new venues, content, or even speakers.
  All the SightMill features work with event surveys. You can see results in real-time and setup workflows to route feedback to the right team.

Secure Data

Each event you create has a unique 5-digit code that's almost impossible to guess. There's no delegate access to the results and you can close your event to new feedback whenever you want.

Create Your Free Account Now!

Create your free account now and you'll be able to start acting on customer feedback in real-time.

NPS Feedback For Your Event

event nps

More Information

Want to find out more? It's easy to try it out yourself with a free account. Or read more about how event feedback works.
Or see what a delegate would view - try our sample survey. Use your mobile (or desktop) and visit with survey code 72D46.