We'll help you deliver a great NPS project to help you gather, analyse and understand your customer feedback.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is based on asking a simple question that always has similar wording:
"How likely is it that you would recommend [Product or Brand] to a friend or colleague?"
A visitor is asked to answer this question using a scale that ranges from:
0 (='Not at all likely') to 10 (='Extremely likely')
You then divide up the responses into three groups based on the score:
Scores of 0-6 are called detractors
Scores of 7-8 are called passives
Scores of 9-10 are called promoters
The NPS score for a period of time (typically a month) is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. (The passives do not count in the scoring.)
The score is displayed as a number (not as a percentage) within the range of -100 to +100. Different industries and sectors have different scores - and it's also common to find different countries or regions will score differently.
When looking at your score, it's always better to look at the trend of the score rather than the score itself! For example, if you have a score of -10 but it has improved every month from a start of -50, that is a great story and worth communicating to your teams. If the trend is down, look at the free text comments and verbatims from detractors and segment these to give you insight into what and how to fix problems.